Sunday 27 January 2019

GIT Notes

Add your SSH keys.

SSH generation command.

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Users/jatin/.ssh/id_rsa): /c/Users/jatin/.ssh/id_rsa-orm
Your identification has been saved in /c/Users/jatin/.ssh/id_rsa-orm.
Your public key has been saved in /c/Users/jatin/.ssh/

Navigate to your account on GitLab and Add your public SSH Key.

How to keep in sync your Git repos on GitHub, GitLab & Bitbucket easily

There are four common strategies:

Downloading a Remote Repository
$ git
$ git --version
$ git help clone (use space or up/down arrow or q for exit)
$ git help --all

Cloning your gitLab
git clone  <URL> <DirectoryName>

Git Review History with Git log
$ git log
$ git log --oneline
$ git log --oneline --graph
$ gitk  (git gui  browser tool for logs)

Configuring Git

$ git config --global 'Name'
$ git config --global 'Email'

Text Editor for Commit Message
$ git config --global core.editor mate -w
$ git config --global core.editor subl -w

$git config --global color.ui ture

 $ git init
(HEAD)$ git config 
(HEAD)$ git status
(HEAD)$ git add .
(HEAD)$ git status
(HEAD)$ git commit -am "ok"

Copying repository
(master=default branch) $ git remote 
(master=default branch) $ git remote -v ( fetch and push branch)
(master=default branch) $ git clone URL
(master=default branch) $ git remote show <remote name>

$  less .gitignore
$ git diff
$ git remote add <local-name> <url>
$ git remote show
$ git remote -v

Branches :

$ git branch
$ git branch --list
$ git branch -a
$ git branch -r
git fetch
gt remote -v
gt remote show <remote_name>

Sunday 11 March 2018

Item 44: Favor the use of standard functional interfaces

Now that Java has lambdas, best practices for writing APIs have changed considerably. For example, the Template Method pattern [Gamma95], wherein a subclass overrides a primitive method to specialize the behavior of its superclass, is far less attractive.  The modern alternative is to provide a static factory or constructor that accepts a function object to achieve the same effect. More generally, you’ll be writing more constructors and methods that take function objects as parameters. Choosing the right functional parameter type demands care.

protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<K,V> eldest) {
   return size() > 100;

// Unnecessary functional interface; use a standard one instead.
@FunctionalInterface interface EldestEntryRemovalFunction<K,V>{
    boolean remove(Map<K,V> map, Map.Entry<K,V> eldest);

The java.util.function package provides a large collection of standard functional interfaces for your use. If one of the standard functional interfaces does the job, you should generally use it in preference to a purpose-built functional interface.

 The Predicate interface, for instance, provides methods to combine predicates. In the case of our LinkedHashMap example, the standard BiPredicate<Map<K,V>, Map.Entry<K,V>> interface should be used in preference to a custom EldestEntryRemovalFunction interface.

There are forty-three interfaces in java.util.Function. You can’t be expected to remember them all, but if you remember six basic interfaces, you can derive the rest when you need them.

The Operator interfaces represent functions whose result and argument types are the same. 
The Predicate interface represents a function that takes an argument and returns a boolean.
The Function interface represents a function whose argument and return types differ.
The Supplier interface represents a function that takes no arguments and returns(“supplies”) a value.
TheConsumer represents a function that takes an argument and returns nothing.

Function Signature
T apply(T t)
T apply(T t1, T t2)
boolean test(T t)
R apply(T t)
T get()
void accept(T t)

There are also three variants of each of the six basic interfaces to operate on the primitive types intlong, and double. Their names are derived from the basic interfaces by prefixing them with a primitive type. So, for example, a predicate that takes an int is an IntPredicate, and a binary operator that takes two long values and returns a long is a LongBinaryOperator. None of these variant types is parameterized except for the Function variants, which are parameterized by return type. For example, LongFunction<int[]> takes a long and returns an int[].

There are nine additional variants of the Function interface, for use when the result type is primitive. The source and result types always differ, because a function from a type to itself is a UnaryOperator.

Most of the standard functional interfaces exist only to provide support for primitive types. Don’t be tempted to use basic functional interfaces with boxed primitives instead of primitive functional interfaces. While it works, it violates the advice of Item 61, “prefer primitive types to boxed primitives.” The performance consequences of using boxed primitives for bulk operations can be deadly.

There are several reasons that Comparator deserves its own interface.

  1. Its name provides excellent documentation every time it is used in an API, and it’s used a lot.
  2.  The interface is heavily outfitted with useful default methods to transform and combine comparators.
  3.  The Comparator interface has strong requirements on what constitutes a valid instance, which comprise its general contract. By implementing the interface, you are pledging to adhere to its contract.

You should seriously consider writing a purpose-built functional interface in preference to using a standard one if you need a functional interface that shares one or more of the following characteristics with Comparator:
• It will be commonly used and could benefit from a descriptive name.
• It has a strong contract associated with it.
• It would benefit from custom default methods.

If you elect to write your own functional interface, remember that it’s an interface and hence should be designed with great care (Item 21).
Always annotate your functional interfaces with the @FunctionalInterfaceannotation.

Do not provide a method with multiple overloadings that take different functional interfaces in the same argument position if it could create a possible ambiguity in the client. This is not just a theoretical problem. The submit method of ExecutorService can take either a Callable<T> or a Runnable, and it is possible to write a client program that requires a cast to indicate the correct overloading (Item 52). The easiest way to avoid this problem is not to write overloadings that take different functional interfaces in the same argument position. This is a special case of the advice in Item 52, “use overloading judiciously.”

In summary, now that Java has lambdas, it is imperative that you design your APIs with lambdas in mind. Accept functional interface types on input and return them on output. It is generally best to use the standard interfaces provided in java.util.function.Function, but keep your eyes open for the relatively rare cases where you would be better off writing your own functional interface.

Saturday 10 March 2018

Item 45: Use streams judiciously

The streams API was added in Java 8 to ease the task of performing bulk operations, sequentially or in parallel. This API provides two key abstractions: 
the stream, which represents a finite or infinite sequence of data elements, and 
the stream pipeline, which represents a multistage computation on these elements. 

The elements in a stream can come from anywhere. Common sources include collections, arrays, files, regular expression pattern matchers, pseudorandom number generators, and other streams. The data elements in a stream can be object references or primitive values. Three primitive types are supported: intlong, and double.

A stream pipeline consists of a source stream followed by zero or more intermediate operations and one terminal operation. Each intermediate operation transforms the stream in some way, such as mapping each element to a function of that element or filtering out all elements that do not satisfy some condition. Intermediate operations all transform one stream into another, whose element type may be the same as the input stream or different from it. The terminal operation performs a final computation on the stream resulting from the last intermediate operation, such as storing its elements into a collection, returning a certain element, or printing all of its elements.

Stream pipelines are evaluated lazily: evaluation doesn’t start until the terminal operation is invoked, and data elements that aren’t required in order to complete the terminal operation are never computed. This lazy evaluation is what makes it possible to work with infinite streams. Note that a stream pipeline without a terminal operation is a silent no-op, so don’t forget to include one.

The streams API is fluent: it is designed to allow all of the calls that comprise a pipeline to be chained into a single expression. In fact, multiple pipelines can be chained together into a single expression.

Consider the following program, which reads the words from a dictionary file and prints all the anagram groups whose size meets a user-specified minimum. The program reads each word from a user-specified dictionary file and places the words into a map.The map value is a list containing all of the words that share an alphabetized form. After the dictionary has been processed, each list is a complete anagram group. The program then iterates through the map’s values() view and prints each list whose size meets the threshold:
The map key is the word with its letters alphabetized, so the key for "staple" is "aelpst"(sorted)

// Prints all large anagram groups in a dictionary iterativelypublic class Anagrams {    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {        File dictionary = new File(args[0]);        int minGroupSize = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        Map<String, Set<String>> groups = new HashMap<>();        try (Scanner s = new Scanner(dictionary)) {            while (s.hasNext()) {                String word =;                groups.computeIfAbsent(alphabetize(word),                    (unused) -> new TreeSet<>()).add(word);            }        }
        for (Set<String> group : groups.values())            if (group.size() >= minGroupSize)                System.out.println(group.size() + ": " + group);    }
    private static String alphabetize(String s) {        char[] a = s.toCharArray();        Arrays.sort(a);        return new String(a);    }}
The insertion of each word into the map, which is shown in bold, uses the computeIfAbsent method, which was added in Java 8. This method looks up a key in the map: If the key is present, the method simply returns the value associated with it. If not, the method computes a value by applying the given function object to the key, associates this value with the key, and returns the computed value. The computeIfAbsentmethod simplifies the implementation of maps that associate multiple values with each key

// Overuse of streams - don't do this!
public class Anagrams {

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    Path dictionary = Paths.get(args[0]);
    int minGroupSize = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);

      try (Stream<String> words = Files.lines(dictionary)) {
          groupingBy(word -> word.chars().sorted()
                     (sb, c) -> sb.append((char) c),
            .filter(group -> group.size() >= minGroupSize)
            .map(group -> group.size() + ": " + group)

It is shorter, but it is also less readable, especially to programmers who are not experts in the use of streams. Overusing streams makes programs hard to read and maintain.

Luckily, there is a happy medium. The following program solves the same problem, using streams without overusing them. The result is a program that’s both shorter and clearer than the original:
// Tasteful use of streams enhances clarity and conciseness
public class Anagrams {
   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      Path dictionary = Paths.get(args[0]);
      int minGroupSize = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);

      try (Stream<String> words = Files.lines(dictionary)) {
         words.collect(groupingBy(word -> alphabetize(word)))
           .filter(group -> group.size() >= minGroupSize)
           .forEach(g -> System.out.println(g.size() + ": " + g));

   // alphabetize method is the same as in original version

Even if you have little previous exposure to streams, this program is not hard to understand. It opens the dictionary file in a try-with-resources block, obtaining a stream consisting of all the lines in the file. The stream variable is named words to suggest that each element in the stream is a word. The pipeline on this stream has no intermediate operations; its terminal operation collects all the words into a map that groups the words by their alphabetized form (Item 46). This is exactly the same map that was constructed in both previous versions of the program. Then a new Stream<List<String>> is opened on the values() view of the map. The elements in this stream are, of course, the anagram groups. The stream is filtered so that all of the groups whose size is less than minGroupSize are ignored, and finally, the remaining groups are printed by the terminal operation forEach.
Note that the lambda parameter names were chosen carefully. The parameter g should really be named group, but the resulting line of code would be too wide for the book. In the absence of explicit types, careful naming of lambda parameters is essential to the readability of stream pipelines.
Note also that word alphabetization is done in a separate alphabetize method. This enhances readability by providing a name for the operation and keeping implementation details out of the main program. Using helper methods is even more important for readability in stream pipelines than in iterative code because pipelines lack explicit type information and named temporary variables.
The alphabetize method could have been reimplemented to use streams, but a stream-based alphabetize method would have been less clear, more difficult to write correctly, and probably slower. These deficiencies result from Java’s lack of support for primitive charstreams (which is not to imply that Java should have supported char streams; it would have been infeasible to do so). To demonstrate the hazards of processing char values with streams, consider the following code:

"Hello world!".chars().forEach(System.out::print);
You might expect it to print Hello world!, but if you run it, you’ll find that it prints 721011081081113211911111410810033. This happens because the elements of the stream returned by "Hello world!".chars() are not char values but int values, so the int overloading of print is invoked. It is admittedly confusing that a method named charsreturns a stream of int values. You could fix the program by using a cast to force the invocation of the correct overloading:

"Hello world!".chars().forEach(x -> System.out.print((char) x));

but ideally you should refrain from using streams to process char values.

When you start using streams, you may feel the urge to convert all your loops into streams, but resist the urge.As a rule, even moderately complex tasks are best accomplished using some combination of streams and iteration, as illustrated by the Anagramsprograms above. So refactor existing code to use streams and use them in new code only where it makes sense to do so.

 There are some things you can do from code blocks that you can’t do from function objects:
• From a code block, you can read or modify any local variable in scope; from a lambda, you can only read final or effectively final variables [JLS 4.12.4], and you can’t modify any local variables.
• From a code block, you can return from the enclosing method, break or continue an enclosing loop, or throw any checked exception that this method is declared to throw; from a lambda you can do none of these things.
If a computation is best expressed using these techniques, then it’s probably not a good match for streams. Conversely, streams make it very easy to do some things:
* Uniformly transform sequences of elements
• Filter sequences of elements
• Combine sequences of elements using a single operation (for example to add them, concatenate them, or compute their minimum)
• Accumulate sequences of elements into a collection, perhaps grouping them by some common attribute
• Search a sequence of elements for an element satisfying some criterion

One thing that is hard to do with streams is to access corresponding elements from multiple stages of a pipeline simultaneously: once you map a value to some other value, the original value is lost. One workaround is to map each value to a pair object containing the original value and the new value, but this is not a satisfying solution, especially if the pair objects are required for multiple stages of a pipeline. The resulting code is messy and verbose, which defeats a primary purpose of streams. When it is applicable, a better workaround is to invert the mapping when you need access to the earlier-stage value.
For example, let’s write a program to print the first twenty Mersenne primes. To refresh your memory, a Mersenne number is a number of the form 2p − 1. If p is prime, the corresponding Mersenne number may be prime; if so, it’s a Mersenne prime. As the initial stream in our pipeline, we want all the prime numbers. Here’s a method to return that (infinite) stream. We assume a static import has been used for easy access to the static members of BigInteger:
static Stream<BigInteger> primes() {
    return Stream.iterate(TWO, BigInteger::nextProbablePrime);

public static void main(String[] args) {
    primes().map(p -> TWO.pow(p.intValueExact()).subtract(ONE))
        .filter(mersenne -> mersenne.isProbablePrime(50))

.forEach(mp -> System.out.println(mp.bitLength() + ": " + mp));
There are plenty of tasks where it is not obvious whether to use streams or iteration. For example, consider the task of initializing a new deck of cards. Assume that Card is an immutable value class that encapsulates a Rank and a Suit, both of which are enum types. This task is representative of any task that requires computing all the pairs of elements that can be chosen from two sets. Mathematicians call this the Cartesian product of the two sets. Here’s an iterative implementation with a nested for-each loop that should look very familiar to you:

// Iterative Cartesian product computation
private static List<Card> newDeck() {
    List<Card> result = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Suit suit : Suit.values())
        for (Rank rank : Rank.values())
            result.add(new Card(suit, rank));
    return result;

// Stream-based Cartesian product computation
private static List<Card> newDeck() {
    return Stream.of(Suit.values())
        .flatMap(suit ->
                .map(rank -> new Card(suit, rank)))

In summary, some tasks are best accomplished with streams, and others with iteration. Many tasks are best accomplished by combining the two approaches. There are no hard and fast rules for choosing which approach to use for a task, but there are some useful heuristics. In many cases, it will be clear which approach to use; in some cases, it won’t. If you’re not sure whether a task is better served by streams or iteration, try both and see which works better.

Item 43: Prefer method references to lambdas

The primary advantage of lambdas over anonymous classes is that they are more succinct. Java provides a way to generate function objects even more succinct than lambdas: method references. Here is a code snippet from a program that maintains a map from arbitrary keys to Integervalues. If the value is interpreted as a count of the number of instances of the key, then the program is a multiset implementation. The function of the code snippet is to associate the number 1 with the key if it is not in the map and to increment the associated value if the key is already present:

map.merge(key, 1, (count, incr) -> count + incr);

Note that this code uses the merge method, which was added to the Map interface in Java 8. 
The code reads nicely, but there’s still some boilerplate. The parameters count and incrdon’t add much value, and they take up a fair amount of space.

map.merge(key, 1, Integer::sum);
service.execute(GoshThisClassNameIsHumongous::action);service.execute(() -> action());

If you’re programming with an IDE, it will offer to replace a lambda with a method reference wherever it can. You should usually, but not always, take the IDE up on the offer. Occasionally, a lambda will be more succinct than a method reference.

Along similar lines, the Function interface provides a generic static factory method to return the identity function, Function.identity(). It’s typically shorter and cleaner not to use this method but to code the equivalent lambda inline: x -> x.

Many method references refer to static methods, but there are four kinds that do not. Two of them are bound and unbound instance method references. In bound references, the receiving object is specified in the method reference. Bound references are similar in nature to static references: the function object takes the same arguments as the referenced method. In unbound references, the receiving object is specified when the function object is applied, via an additional parameter before the method’s declared parameters. Unbound references are often used as mapping and filter functions in stream pipelines (Item 45). Finally, there are two kinds of constructor references, for classes and arrays. Constructor references serve as factory objects. All five kinds of method references are summarized in the table below:

Method Ref Type
Lambda Equivalent
str -> Integer.parseInt(str)
Instant then =;t -> then.isAfter(t)
str -> str.toLowerCase()
Class Constructor
() -> new TreeMap<K,V>
Array Constructor
len -> new int[len]

In summary, method references often provide a more succinct alternative to lambdas. Where method references are shorter and clearer, use them; where they aren’t, stick with lambdas.

Item 42: Prefer lambdas to anonymous classes

In Java 8, functional interfaces, lambdas, and method references were added to make it easier to create function objects. The streams API was added in tandem with these language changes to provide library support for processing sequences of data elements.

Historically, interfaces (or, rarely, abstract classes) with a single abstract method were used as function types. Their instances, known as function objects, represent functions or actions.Since JDK 1.1 was released in 1997, the primary means of creating a function object was the anonymous class (Item 24). Here’s a code snippet to sort a list of strings in order of length, using an anonymous class to create the sort’s comparison function (which imposes the sort order):
// Anonymous class instance as a function object - obsolete!Collections.sort(words, new Comparator<String>() {
    public int compare(String s1, String s2) {
        return, s2.length());
In Java 8, the language formalized the notion that interfaces with a single abstract method are special and deserve special treatment. These interfaces are now known as functional interfaces, and the language allows you to create instances of these interfaces using lambda expressions, or lambdas for short. Lambdas are similar in function to anonymous classes, but far more concise. Here’s how the code snippet above looks with the anonymous class replaced by a lambda. The boilerplate is gone, and the behavior is clearly evident:

Note that the types of the lambda (Comparator<String>), of its parameters (s1 and s2, both String), and of its return value (int) are not present in the code. The compiler deduces these types from context, using a process known as type inference.Omit the types of all lambda parameters unless their presence makes your program clearer. If the compiler generates an error telling you it can’t infer the type of a lambda parameter, then specify it. Sometimes you may have to cast the return value or the entire lambda expression, but this is rare.

One caveat should be added concerning type inference. Item 26 tells you not to use raw types, Item 29 tells you to favor generic types, and Item 30 tells you to favor generic methods. This advice is doubly important when you’re using lambdas, because the compiler obtains most of the type information that allows it to perform type inference from generics. If you don’t provide this information, the compiler will be unable to do type inference, and you’ll have to specify types manually in your lambdas, which will greatly increase their verbosity. By way of example, the code snippet above won’t compile if the variable words is declared to be of the raw type List  instead of the parameterized type List<String>.

Collections.sort(words, comparingInt(String::length));
In fact, the snippet can be made still shorter by taking advantage of the sort method that was added to the List interface in Java 8:

// Enum type with constant-specific class bodies & data (Item 34)
public enum Operation {   
 PLUS("+") {        public double apply(double x, double y) { return x + y; }    },
MINUS("-") {        public double apply(double x, double y) { return x - y; }    },
TIMES("*") {        public double apply(double x, double y) { return x * y; }    },
DIVIDE("/") {        public double apply(double x, double y) { return x / y; }    };
private final String symbol;
Operation(String symbol) { this.symbol = symbol; }  
@Override public String toString() { return symbol; }
public abstract double apply(double x, double y);}
Item 34 says that enum instance fields are preferable to constant-specific class bodies. Lambdas make it easy to implement constant-specific behavior using the former instead of the latter

// Enum with function object fields & constant-specific behavior
public enum Operation {
    PLUS  ("+", (x, y) -> x + y),
    MINUS ("-", (x, y) -> x - y),
    TIMES ("*", (x, y) -> x * y),
    DIVIDE("/", (x, y) -> x / y);

    private final String symbol;
    private final DoubleBinaryOperator op;

    Operation(String symbol, DoubleBinaryOperator op) {
        this.symbol = symbol;
        this.op = op;

    @Override public String toString() { return symbol; }

    public double apply(double x, double y) {
        return op.applyAsDouble(x, y);
Looking at the lambda-based Operation enum, you might think constant-specific method bodies have outlived their usefulness, but this is not the case. Unlike methods and classes, lambdas lack names and documentation; if a computation isn’t self-explanatory, or exceeds a few lines, don’t put it in a lambda.One line is ideal for a lambda, and three lines is a reasonable maximum. If you violate this rule, it can cause serious harm to the readability of your programs. If a lambda is long or difficult to read, either find a way to simplify it or refactor your program to eliminate it.Also, the arguments passed to enum constructors are evaluated in a static context. Thus, lambdas in enum constructors can’t access instance members of the enum. 
 If you want to create an instance of an abstract class, you can do it with an anonymous class, but not a lambda. Similarly, you can use anonymous classes to create instances of interfaces with multiple abstract can use anonymous classes to create instances of interfaces with multiple abstract methods.Finally, a lambda cannot obtain a reference to itself. In a lambda, the this keyword refers to the enclosing instance, which is typically what you want. In an anonymous class, the this keyword refers to the anonymous class instance. If you need access to the function object from within its body, then you must use an anonymous class.

Lambdas share with anonymous classes the property that you can’t reliably serialize and deserialize them across implementations. Therefore, you should rarely, if ever, serialize a lambda (or an anonymous class instance). If you have a function object that you want to make serializable, such as a Comparator, use an instance of a private static nested class (Item 24).
In summary, as of Java 8, lambdas are by far the best way to represent small function objects. Don’t use anonymous classes for function objects unless you have to create instances of types that aren’t functional interfaces. Also, remember that lambdas make it so easy to represent small function objects that it opens the door to functional programming techniques that were not previously practical in Java.

Thursday 8 March 2018

Item 41: Use marker interfaces to define types

marker interface is an interface that contains no method declarations but merely designates (or “marks”) a class that implements the interface as having some property. For example, consider the Serializable interface (Chapter 12). By implementing this interface, a class indicates that its instances can be written to an ObjectOutputStream (or “serialized”).

You may hear it said that marker annotations (Item 39) make marker interfaces obsolete. This assertion is incorrect. Marker interfaces have two advantages over marker annotations. First and foremost, marker interfaces define a type that is implemented by instances of the marked class; marker annotations do not. Compile-time error detection is the intent of marker interfaces, but unfortunately, the ObjectOutputStream.write API does not take advantage of the Serializableinterface: its argument is declared to be of type Object, so attempts to serialize an unserializable object won’t fail until runtime.

Another advantage of marker interfaces over marker annotations is that they can be targeted more precisely. If an annotation type is declared with target ElementType.TYPE, it can be applied to any class or interface. Suppose you have a marker that is applicable only to implementations of a particular interface. If you define it as a marker interface, you can have it extend the sole interface to which it is applicable, guaranteeing that all marked types are also subtypes of the sole interface to which it is applicable.

Arguably, the Set interface is just such a restricted marker interface. It is applicable only to Collection subtypes, but it adds no methods beyond those defined by Collection. It is not generally considered to be a marker interface because it refines the contracts of several Collection methods, including addequals, and hashCode. But it is easy to imagine a marker interface that is applicable only to subtypes of some particular interface and does notrefine the contracts of any of the interface’s methods. 

The chief advantage of marker annotations over marker interfaces is that they are part of the larger annotation facility. Therefore, marker annotations allow for consistency in annotation-based frameworks.

In summary, marker interfaces and marker annotations both have their uses. If you want to define a type that does not have any new methods associated with it, a marker interface is the way to go. If you want to mark program elements other than classes and interfaces or to fit the marker into a framework that already makes heavy use of annotation types, then a marker annotation is the correct choice. If you find yourself writing a marker annotation type whose target is ElementType.TYPE, take the time to figure out whether it really should be an annotation type or whether a marker interface would be more appropriate.
In a sense, this item is the inverse of Item 22, which says, “If you don’t want to define a type, don’t use an interface.” To a first approximation, this item says, “If you do want to define a type, do use an interface.”